Monday, February 12, 2007

Is Paris Going to AA Meetings?

Paris may have been sentenced to attend Alcoholic Anonymous. Moderation Management, which promotes drinking in moderation instead of abstinence got some free press by inviting Paris to attend their meetings.

Moderation Management founder Marc Kern says that Paris shouldn’t have to attend AA meetings with common drunks:

“Paris is obviously an early stage problem drinker, and an abstinence group is an overkill and inappropriate for a celebrity…To mandate that Paris Hilton attend an abstinence-only support group is counterproductive and is not really going to help, if our goal is to rehabilitate or educate. “What is best for her? Paris needs Moderation Management, not AA.”


I didn't watch any Simple Life episodes beyond the first season, but I seem to remember Paris having no difficulties pretending to be nice and sweet around common drunks. She is farily convincing at pretending to be a common drunk.

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